Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We've got ourselves a new bishop here in Ne-vaa-da

His name is Dan Edwards and he's the rector of St. Francis' Episcopal Church in Macon, Georgia. He is a very cool fellow indeed, and we should expect some renewed interest in ministries with young people coming from the bishop's office. You can find out more about him here.

As part of the welcoming festivities there will be a reception for Dan and Linda Edwards in the Reno area sometime in January or February. Naturally, student attendance is strongly encouraged. Watch this space for details!

Vocare this weekend!

...and we're sending six candidates! Woo hoo!

In other news, our weekly meeting are going strong with lots 'o food, chatter, good discussions, and prayer. Want some dinner and be able to hang out with old or unmet friends? Come on over to Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Reno. We meet upstairs in the parish hall, which is the building behind the church.

Need more info? Contact Karen at kjohanns at trinityreno dot org. Just re-format the email to put the "at thingie" and the dot in the email address.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10: Kickoff meeting tonight

Now that we've had a nice long summer break it's time once again for our community to gather. We'll be meeting at 7:00 pm in the chapel at Trinity church for Holy Eucharist, and then we'll move to the parish hall for dinner and social time. It will be great to see you all!


Monday, August 20, 2007

Vocare: just for you!

Our first-ever Vocare weekend is planned and ready to go! We will be sharing this ministry with the wonderful young adult Vocati from the diocese of Northern California. If you've spent any time working on the TEC team in the past, this will be a wonderful opportunity for you to experience being a participant and being served by others. The team will consist of young adults from NorCal, and I will be serving along with Rev. Britt Olson (former rector of St. Paul's, Sparks) as spiritual directors.

Here's the 4-1-1:

When: October 26-28
Where: Camp Noel Porter, Tahoe City CA
Who: young adults ages 19-30 (mature 18 year olds OK)
How Much: $35 gets you accommodations for the weekend, food, program, and fun.

Sounds great? You can download the brochure and registration forms here.

First meeting of the year: September 10th

Our kickoff worship-fest and dinner will be on Monday, September 10th at 7:00 pm at our usual meeting place of Trinity Church in downtown Reno. I hope you're planning on attending, and feel free to bring a friend along!

This year we'll be starting a little differently, with a Holy Eucharist preceding our dinner and program, so instead of coming straight the parish hall go into the church instead. We'll be gathering in the chapel and the side door of the church will be open. We won't necessarily have Eucharist every time we meet, but it is an option and we can talk about it when we get together for our first meeting.

If you need more info please email me at kjohanns@trinityreno.org.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Camino: Young Adult Gathering Sep. 21-23

This sounds pretty cool. From their website:

Camino is a young adult gathering happening in San Francisco this fall. Through provocative workshops, creative worship and an interactive urban pilgrimage focused on global peace and justice --- Camino will ignite your faith, inspire your walk and invigorate your call to seek and serve Christ in others.

With groups from around the country, you will partake in an urban pilgrimage, exploring the cities many contrasts, paradoxes, eccentricities and challenges while discovering sites where the values of the MDGs , Baptismal Covenant and Franciscan Spirituality are being practiced. Come experience the heart, faith, compassion and commitment of this unique place and connect with other young Episcopalians.

Want to know more? Want to go? There's some $$ available to help. Please get in touch with Chaplain Karen if you want to be a part of this.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Winding down

Wow, it's been a long time since this space was updated, and for that I apologize. We had our last meeting on May 6th and will be taking a rest for the summer. However, I've been getting a couple of requests for at least one fun summer activity, so watch this space and check your emails!

We'll be starting up again on Monday, September 10th. In addition to our usual Monday dinner get-togethers, we'll be featuring some irregularly scheduled special events like Cafe Church, a service project or two, and monthly Eucharists with a focus on the young adult experience.

Watch for me, your Older Person Chaplain, during orientation, as I prowl the campus in collar and sunblock while looking for new students to join in the fun. I'll also be keeping "office hours" at the Overlook and Wolf Pack Cafe, days and times to be determined. Come join me for a cup of coffee and a chat.

Have a fun, productive, and blessed summer!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Welcome...and what's a Canterbury?

Welcome to the website for Canterbury of Reno, a ministry of the Episcopal Church to college students and young adults in northern Nevada. We meet every week for dinner, socializing, discussion or study, and worship. All young adults ages 18-30 are welcome, and we're always looking for fun-loving people to expand our group and our horizons.

We meet every Monday evening at 7pm at Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Reno. You'll find us upstairs in the parish hall, which is the building behind the church.

For more information you can call Karen Johanns, our chaplain. Her office phone and email can be found here. For an older person she's pretty good with the latest in communication technology, so chances are she'll get back to you pretty much right away.

Jesus fed the hungry, and so do we

Our meetings always start with dinner. It's hard to talk on an empty stomach, so there's always some food around. Sometimes it's a home-cooked meal and other times it's pizza, but you won't leave a Canterbury meeting hungry. You can even volunteer to bring dinner! Don't worry; we eat just about anything, but if you come to a meeting we'll tell you all about the Frozen Shrimp Incident.

Meet our chaplain

Karen Johanns' Facebook profile

She's really OK for an older person.

News and Stuff: Week of February 12-20

  • Canterbury won't be meeting next Monday (February 18th) because of President's Day. See you on the 25th!
  • Anyone wanting to go on the Vocare weekend (March 16-18) with the good folks from the diocese of Northern California needs to get their application in by February 23rd. Contact Karen ASAP for details and an application.
  • Do you love to have breakfast for dinner? If so, Trinity's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper might be a wonderful alternative to the Dining Commons or Domino's. Come at 6pm on Tuesday, February 21st for this fun pre-Lent tradition. Donations appreicated, but we understand that students are always broke and hungry.

Food Bank Work Party

The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is hosting a work party at the Food Bank of Northern Nevada on Thursday, February 22nd, and all Canterburians are invited to join them. Here's the details:

Where: 994 Packer Way, Sparks (directions here)
When: 5:30-7:30 pm
Details, details: Wear a warm sweatshirt or fleece, bring gloves

Contact Karen at Trinity's church office for Even More Details.

It's almost Lent, but don't panic!

If you're like most Episcopal college students, you're probably wondering how in the world you're going to work on your spiritual life with all those papers, exams, and presentations. Don't worry! There's lots of options to fit any tight schedule!

Mondays at 7: Canterbury meetings during Lent will be devoted to Connect, an open-s0urce curriculum presented by the KLESIS Project. We'll be looking at how we function as a Eucharistic community and discussing material that will challenge us to deepen our relationship with God. In our usual meeting space in Trinity's parish hall.

Tuesdays at 6: Soup Supper and Study. Come to Trinity for a light dinner followed by a study of Groundwork, the Episcopal Church's Lenten series.

Wednesdays at 12:10: Deepen your prayer life by attending Holy Eucharist at this small, intimate liturgy. At Trinity's Bishop Lewis Chapel.

Monday-Friday, 7:30 am: Morning Prayer. Those looking for a little Lenten discipline may opt to rise early and head on over to Trinity for a simple Prayer Book service. Holy Communion will be distributed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.