Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We've got ourselves a new bishop here in Ne-vaa-da

His name is Dan Edwards and he's the rector of St. Francis' Episcopal Church in Macon, Georgia. He is a very cool fellow indeed, and we should expect some renewed interest in ministries with young people coming from the bishop's office. You can find out more about him here.

As part of the welcoming festivities there will be a reception for Dan and Linda Edwards in the Reno area sometime in January or February. Naturally, student attendance is strongly encouraged. Watch this space for details!

Vocare this weekend!

...and we're sending six candidates! Woo hoo!

In other news, our weekly meeting are going strong with lots 'o food, chatter, good discussions, and prayer. Want some dinner and be able to hang out with old or unmet friends? Come on over to Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Reno. We meet upstairs in the parish hall, which is the building behind the church.

Need more info? Contact Karen at kjohanns at trinityreno dot org. Just re-format the email to put the "at thingie" and the dot in the email address.